Tuesday 15 December 2009

"A deed without a name."

Above: study of Macbeth based on the film adaptation by Orson Welles.

"The enemy of art is the absence of limitations."

- Orson Welles

Visual experiments illustrating Shakespeare's Macbeth. A short flirtation with Macbeth was abandoned as a comic adaptation would require severe editing of the source text and would leave audiences unsatisfied.

Below: a contemporary take on Macbeth illustrating Tony Blair, prophecy and oil

(left: initial pencil sketch. Below: mixed media. Ink, acrylic and collage on typewriter paper).

A section of the text was typed on an Olivetti Lettera 22 typewriter, cut-up and pasted on to the illustration. With my laptop out of action, I resorted to using a typewriter to complete the illustration. Click to enlarge.

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