Moebius has frequently collaborated with film makers, having previously worked on Ridley Scott's Alien, designing space suits, his artwork was also a source of inspiration for the design of Blade Runner. His collaboration with writer, Dan O'Bannon produced The Long Tomorrow which shares similar themes to those seen in Scott's adaptation of Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?.
Moebius conveys mood, atmosphere and horror with stripped down and direct line art. His attention to detail and body language; showing the curled toes of a horrified man witnessing his lover shape shifting into her true alien form is something that I will try to capture as I gather visual references for my own project; a graphic treatment of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis.
Experiments with mixed media and sequential art will be presented at my MA exposition. A distorted perception of events, paranoia and body horror, featuring contorted and cramped hands and feet will feature in my own concept art for Gregor Samsa's awakening in The Metamorphosis. His metamorphosis and his altered perception of reality may stem from a seizure or stroke...
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