Francis Bacon, Study of George Dyer, 1969 (oil on canvas)

Francis Bacon, In Memory of George Dyer, 1971 (oil on canvas)

Francis Bacon, A Piece of Wasteland, 1982 (oil on canvas)
visual references...
film language transferred to an alternative medium...

Still from Sergei Eisenstein's Battleship Poemkin, 1925
Bacon frequently referenced images from film and photography to construct narratives...
"I had a furious row with a studio executive once: he said, "They won't get it, Nic" and I said, "No, they'll get it; it's you who's not getting it, because you're trying to force something that's different into being the same". People usually arrive to see something with an open mind. I want to make them feel something emotionally, but not by planning how to get them there. That would almost be like the communist days when newspapers told people what to think - when there was no competition with Pravda."
-Nicolas Roeg
-Nicolas Roeg
fragments of information...
torn newspapers.... partial headlines...

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