Wednesday 18 November 2009


vertigo on the Air Shard viewing platform...

Imperial War Museum, Manchester...

POW camp magazines made using a typewriter and hand drawn illustrations

RAF 'escape pattern' flying boot design (the top of the army boots can be cut away so that a pilot can pass himself off as a civilian.

Royal typewriter... words as escape

Ronald Searle illustrations... documenting illness and starvation with illustrations

interactive POW gallerY> find out if the POW was interned/survived/escaped using a stamp

diaries with drawings/diagrams/designs showing escape tunnels from the camp...

the deliberately confusing design/layout of the building...

vertigo on the Air Shard viewing platform...

old photographs...

Sanpshots of Christina attempting an escape from the exhibition space dressed in a German army uniform> using textures in Photoshop to digitally age a snapshot of Christina...

I took a series of photos of abandoned and weathered buildings in Nottingham to use as textures for my own artwork at a later stage... to make digital art seem more organic... the human touch that was on display in the handmade magazines from the POW exhibition has also inspired some experiments with text and image... I will use the old Olivetti typewriter that I picked up in a junk shop...

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